Wednesday, August 31, 2011

9 Month Countdown...Week 16

Week 16

Size of Baby: Avocado!!  Neat we love Guac!

and a new addition...size of Mommy haha:
Any Appts:We did have one on Friday.  Standard appointment, heard the heart beat for a while, it was great, very strong and consistent.  Asked more questions, mostly about the pain that I am terrified of, classes we need to sign up for, and just got to know each other a little bit.

Ooooh thats new: Tight muscles, hard to sleepThe cramps aka really sharp stabbing pains I get in my abdomen are Round Ligament Pain, just found out the name of that!  It hurts like heck and just comes whenever.  So I went to a chiropractor, keep your fingers crossed this makes it all better.  We also met with another doctor this week who we really liked.  It is recommended you get to know all 4 of the delivery docs in the practice, that makes 2, looking good so far!

Excited about: Picking out stuff!!  Eric and I took our first real, like going to look for stuff for our baby, trip to Babies R Us.  We had so much fun!  We are very decisive people, if something catches our eye and we like it, mark it down and move on to the next thing.  So we have started our registry sort of.  Really excited to get the nursery set up.  We did go in the current office, gonna be nursery, and cleaned out the closet this weekend so we could hang up super cute gifts we have been given!  Hopefully he/she likes those Hokies!!!

Missing:  That awesome/amazing sleep I was getting a few weeks ago.  Now I wake up due to my bladder many many times.  I am not comfortable, never been a side sleeper.  Andddd I get round ligament pain when sleeping from time to time, it happens when you make sudden movements...well if you know us I am sure you have heard Eric refer to my sleeping habits as Hurricane Brooke haha.

Healthy Living: Trying to as far as the eating goes.  We have been walking a lot.  This week we even go up early one morning and went for a walk!

Preggo-Ness:   Got the Boppy Pillow, it's cool, but not that much different from my normal pillow situation of one under my head and a body pillow between my legs.  I have gained 2 pounds so far, says the scale at the doctors office.
How's Dad???: Sooooo excited.  He even bought a toy for the baby while we were at babies are us, a super cute and soft little monkey.  He wants to keep it on his printer so he can see it everyday to encourage him to work hard, so cute huh!??!


Laura Roper said...

I didn't fully appreciate my boppy body pillow until my belly was a bit bigger. You know how it tapers from a full pillow for head support, down to a thinner area around your mid section, and then back up to a full pillow for in between legs??? Well that thinner area round your mid-section is PERFECTLY sized when your belly gets big and needs a moderate size fluff-ball to support and keep you in a comfortable side-sleeping position.

Liz Snyder said...

yay i love yoru baby bump

Jenn said...