Sunday, August 28, 2011

In the News

Part of my reason for starting and keeping up with my blog is to have a diary.  I used to love writing in my diary when I was little, just think it is so cool to look back and see what was happening at a certain time, how I was feeling, and whatever other details stood out.  Well when I look back, this week is definitely one I will want to remember as WHOA we lived through that!!!

an Earthquake...On Tuesday, August 23rd, 2011 I was sitting at my desk just like any other day.  Our building is old, very old, and we have maintenance workers walking through and on top of at all times.  All of the sudden it sounded like people on the roof,then a heard of cattle on the roof, then the floor was thumping and the windows were shaking, and holy crap we were experiencing an earth quake.  I did exactly what you are not supposed to do and bolted for the door which is conveniently located in a stairs case with floor to ceiling windows.  Made it out safely and joined the rest of my co-workers as far away from the building as possible.  The quake ended.  Our phones didn't work, but facebook did, go figure.  That is where we learned of the 5.8 earth quake originating in Mineral Virginia, and shaking pretty much the entire east coast.  Below is a picture in DC where everyone is outside, the same happened in Tysons, the streets were filled with everyone wondering what the heck just happened...

a Hurricane...Hurricane Irene was on the news for days warning/scarring/building up what was supposed to be a huge storm because of the path it was taking.  Yes we survived, but it's definitely worth remembering.  New York City was evacuated, hasn't happened since 9-11, never once before that.  29 million people were affected by the Hurricane Watch, it was just crazy.  A huge huge storm that dumped a ton of rain and heavy winds but wasn't quite what they had called for...still worth remembering.

And while we are talking about the news, I couldn't go without mentioning this article.  Dogs are the greatest, most loyal, and most lovable creatures on earth.  This brought tears to me eyes.  You can read the whole article here,but the picture tells the story.
What a crazy week this was of natural disaster events, can't wait to see what next week brings.  Have a great last week of August everyone, can you believe we are at the end of August?!?!

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