Wednesday, August 24, 2011

9 month countdown....Week 15

Week 15 (August 17th - August 23rd)

Size of Baby: A naval Orange

Any Appts:  no appts this week

Ooooh thats new: This has been a very exciting week.  I FEEL the baby!!!!  Every once in a while and more frequently every day I feel the little thing inside of me.  I describe the feeling like what I would imagine a fish would feel like sucking on your skin haha.  It's like a little flutter to the right of my belly button!!  This really is sooooo cool, I love it!!

Excited about: My new fall wardrobe!!!  Thank god for Julie and Courtney!!  In my head maternity clothes and going shopping for them was a terrifying experience, I had no interest in buying new clothes, I was scared to death to go into a maternity store, and just kept trying to pull it off in my normal clothes.  Well time is a running out, things are just not fitting and I had to come to grips with it.  While it was raining one day at the beach we headed to the outlets, hit up the normal stores like coach and then it was time.  To Motherhood Maternity it was.  Having Court and Julie with me made the experience awesome and actually was kinda fun.  I found so many great little outfits that I just can't wait to wear.  I think I may be a more stylish pregnant person than regularly dressed.  THANK YOU SO MUCH TO my girls for making maternity not so scary!!  I really do get by with a little help from my friends!!
Also  very excited to wear my new Hokie shirt, should be seen every Saturday this fall.  Court gave it to me for my birthday, HOW CUTE?!?!  In case you can't see, it says "Future Hokie" and has the arrow pointing down hahah :)
And to go along with my new shirt she got baby King two little one-sies and super cute little socks, here are the fronts:
 Anddddd the backs!!!  Soooo cute!!!
And Lastly, sooooooooo excited to find out boy or girl, just scheduled our appt this week for September 14th!!!  Been dying to SHOP!!!

Missing: My Jean Skirt!!!  Need to find one in maternity before our next beach trip in September.

Healthy Living: Contrary to my expectations I came home from the week at the beach .6 pounds under my pre-pregnancy weight, I'll take it!!!

Preggo-Ness: It seems every week is better and more exciting then the week before but this week was awesome.  Being able to feel the baby is super cool, got some clothes, word is out and so is belly haha, it's all just really sinking in and getting really exciting!!!  February will be here before we know it which is exciting and SOOO Scary because we are no where near ready and not sure if there is just a one stop shop that is going to tell us everything we need to know!!
How's Dad???: Eric is doing great, getting ready to start gearing up on his baby reading haha :)

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