Sunday, May 27, 2012

Beachin It....Kid Style!!!

We just love when we get to spend such an amazing weekend with such fabulous people.  Mark, Dianna, and Connor invited us to join them on their beach trip and it was just wonderful.  

Getting ready to hit the road...

Not just the two of us anymore....

Potty Break and Diaper Change...

Lovin' the Beach with our little guy...

Twinsies!!!  So cute right?!?!
Ryan got in on story time :)
Loved meeting gma spiro!!
Look at that face ahhhh!!!!
Uncle Steve!
Beach Bum in the making...PERF!!
Chillin with Daddy
It was not easy to get little man back from Gpa Spiro
The boys and their Daddys
Sooo cool!!!
Naps on the beach are the best!
our very first family beach trip!!!
It's really true when you hear kids make everything even better.  Ryan was an angel and we had an absolute blast having him with us at the beach!!

1 comment:

Courtney Totten said...

so you all had a blast at the beach??? your pics are adorable!