Monday, April 30, 2012

Showing some love to DC Sports

Finally a weekend where we were all home and there were no plans.  The weekends last soooo much longer when you aren't rushing around from one event to another and are able to enjoy each and every second.  I wish we had more of these!!

Saturday we showed our true DC Sports Team love.  We woke up, saw something about some draft day thing at Fed Ex on the news and decided that sounded like a fun activity.  We all decked out in our skins gear and headed to Fed Ex.  The RGIII hype is incredible, this city is sooooo desperate for a good football team, it's kinda funny.  Anywho we walked around the club level, had our pic taken with the super bowl trophies, sat in the stands and watched all the activities going on down on the field, and watched the RGIII interview on the jumbo tron.
All 3 of us changed quickly in the car before meeting up with friends at BW3's for the Caps game..
After a super fun day, we returned home for some snuggles before/instead of bed time!!  Love these moments!
Sunday Ryan and I spent the day at Mom's while Eric golfed with the boys.  We all met up later for a fabulous cookout as always!!  Such a great day, beautiful weather, and good moods across the board at the family cookout!!

 Mission impossible??  7 dogs all sitting for their picture whooo hooo!!!

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