Tuesday, March 13, 2012

2 months

Pump up the volume and enjoy our second month faves :)

Our Little Man-

This month has been amazing, you grow so much everyday in size and personality.  At your two month check up you were 10 pounds and 13 ounces and 22.75 inches long!  This month you have started moving so much more, you kick your feet and move your arms all of the time especially when your music is playing on your play mat.  You are awake so much more also, those big beautiful blue eyes, I just love it!! 
Lots of milestones this month.  The biggest adjustment for mommy was putting you in your crib.  I loved having you sleep next to me (in your pack-n-play), but you might be the noisest baby sleeper ever.  You are able to cry in your sleep which I thought was totally rare until Grandma Debs told me I did the same thing haha.  You also moan and groan...a lot!!  So we did it, at 5 and a half weeks we put you in your own room, thank goodness for video monitors.  You typically go to bed around 10:30-11 and wake up between 3:30 and 4, you aren't very good at going back to bed after this break, but you know what I don't even mind.  I love rocking you and having you lay on my chest, soaking it all up!!  You also went on your first road trip, you did amazing in the car and great the whole time away.  We went to Wintergreen for 5 days, you got a ton of attention and spoiling from your grandparents and great grandparents and we went on a bunch of walks all over the mountain.  You attended your very first professional sporting event, the first of many I'm sure, GO CAPS!  You are growing like a weed, now eating 5 ounces, probably moving to 6 very soon and you outgrew all of your newborn clothes, moved you into 0-3 and 3 month clothing, not going to be in those for long!  We even had your first rash and temperature, luckily no biggie!
And the best milestone of all, we got your first of many smiles (like one where I think you were actually smiling because you were happy) on March 1st while we were at Wintergreen, such a happy boy!!  Your personality is developing and showing through more and more everyday.  You are such a sweet sweet little baby .  I absolutely love snuggling with you as much as I can.  We bring you into our bed (oops) every morning and have family snuggle time, this might be my favorite time of the day, yes Rocco joins in too!  You have this new thing where you just randomly scream, I don't think there is any real reason behind it, so I just laugh :) I have dibs on your first word being "coot" because I tell you how cute you are at least a bazillion times a day.
I really wish time would slow down.  You are growing so much and changing so much everyday I am left wanting more and more and you are onto the next thing, when people said "they grow up so fast" they weren't kidding.  Babies really are a miracle and we couldn't have asked for any greater miracle then you.  We love being a mom and dad to such a precious little angel.

Love you bunches,

Mom and Dad

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