Thursday, February 16, 2012

Top 10 Thursday...New Parents/New Baby...MUST haves...

As we approach 5 weeks or parenting, we are beginning to get the hang of it, I think!!  Getting through the days are getting much more efficient which gives us more time to spend just hanging out all together!!!  For us is what we have found are our top 10 must haves for the first month...

#10 - Drying Rack- this has been a life saver for us!!  Half the time we don't even put the stuff away just use, wash, back on the drying like a charm!
#9 Auto Mobile Mirror- Allows me to drive and not worry/panic the entire time that he is okay, I can see him the entire time!!  Peace of mind goes a long way!!
#8 Halo Sleep Sack- Since babies these days can't have anything in their cribs, no blankets, no nothing..the sleep sack has worked out great for us.  While I am not sure Ryan is totally into the whole swaddling thing as his arms must be out or he will break them out, this sleep sack does make him feel comforted and most importantly warm when he's sleeping!!
#7 Boppy- We have 2, one for each floor, again simplifying, one less thing to carry up and down and up and down the stairs.  Boppies are great!  An excellent place for the baby to sit for a few minutes, Eric feed Ryans in a boppy, and great for pictures since the little peanut can't quite hold his head up!!  When I was doing the breast feeding thing, the boppy was also great for arm support doing that!
#6 Itzbeen- This thing is so neat and another novel idea.  When you change the diaper, feed the baby, take a nap, and something of your choosing you just push a button on this jam and the timer starts.  Therefore when you are told the baby needs to eat every 3 hours, you don't have to count on your memory to remember the last time you fed about practical!  Also has an L and an R so you can remember which boob you started on at feedings!
#5 Diaper Caddy- One of the best things we did was simplify.  We have drying racks, bottle brushes, pumps, and a changing station on both floors.  That way we aren't up and down every time we need something, it's all right there, and we don't have to carry everything back and forth a night time and again in the morning.  The Diaper Caddy has made a world of difference for us!!
# 4 Hands Free Medela Pump - Since pumping and bottles has become our thing we invested in the hands free pump.  This thing is amazing.  While I look absolutely ridiculous walking around with two pumps attached to my boobs via my medela boustier and another strap around my stomach holding the pump on...I am able to feed Ryan, burp him, do dishes, blog, etc etc...hands free is fabulous for a mom that can not just do one thing at a time :)  Oh and now I can leave the house, before I felt stuck to my enormous hospital pump that I had a date with every 2-3 hours...but now I'm a mom on the move :)

# 3 Wubanub Pacifier - This thing is an absolute life saver and what a creative and awesome idea, another one of those why didn't I think of that things...BUT Ryan can actually hold/hug his froggy which keeps the pacy in his mouth, it's easy to find, easy to carry, easy to clean, easy easy easy!!!  And honestly this is pretty much the only pacifier we use.
#2 Camera -because everything they do is absolutely the most adorable thing and you want to capture it all!!
# 1 Patience - With yourself, with the baby, with the dogs, with guests, with people trying to help that do everything completely wrong haha, and most of all with your spouse.  Everyone is running on a lot less sleep than normal, trying to adjust to this new life style, learning as we go, and trying to figure out the best way to do this and that...Patience has never really been my thing, but mommy hood has definitely brought out the best in me :)


Kathleen Carr said...

i love your blog today. now i know the top 10 things i need for baby [:)] i dont want to register for useless items!!

Kristen Freudiger said...

your blog is so cute!