Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Week 35 (January 3rd - January 10th)

Size of Baby: Honeydew...again

Size of Mommy:
Any Appointments this week: Tomorrow for our 36 weeks appt, then it's every week till Ryan is here!!

Ohhhhh thats New: I am basically living on 2-5 hours of sleep a night.  I go to sleep fine then toss and turn the entire night.  As soon as I am about to get comfy on one side my hip starts hurting, then the other, then finally I am up and just can't go back to sleep and Rocco and I come downstairs and start cleaning.  Even with lack of sleep I am still in a great mood (ever since the test) and not really even tired, maybe my adrenaline has already started pumping!!

I have also been having a lot of delivery dreams/nightmares during those few hours I am asleep.  Last night for instance, my baby was delivered through the internet somehow.  I got an email saying Ryan was delivered and I needed to go pick him up at Reston Hospital (not where we are delivering).  When I got to Reston they told me I needed to go to Burke, so I went to the Burke hospital (doesn't exist) and the lady at the desk said I had a beautiful baby boy waiting for me upstairs.  So I go up and there he is, I actually saw him, well a baby that they said was mine anyways, I do remember blue eyes though.  So yeah somehow a baby was born and I was just notified via email haha :)  Brings new meaning to "you've got mail."

Excited About:  Our Appt tomorrow, while I know he is still breech, because I can feel his head, I am super excited to see him on the sono.  I hope it doesn't freak me out to see this full grown baby inside me just wanting to get out haha, so weird!!

Healthy Living: Yeah not so much...Well we did do pilates last Wed for the last time, cleaned out the garage this is ehhh okay...

Preggo- Ness: Ohhhh man, I think we are getting to that point.  Everyone, and I mean everyone,  I talk to reminds me how the last month is the worst, everything hurts, nothing is comfortable etc etc.  I have had a fairly amazing pregnancy with just a few things here and there, hasn't been much to complain about, buttttttt I think it's coming, we are on the verge of being at the "getthisthingoutofmerightfreakingnow," almost :)

How's Dad: Daddio has not had the best week.  I think he went to NOLA thinking baby=life is over and he will never get a sip of alcohol again so him and the boys drank every last sip of alcohol in the entire state.  On top of feeling like crapola, me not sleeping keeps him up all night, he doesn't do well with no sleep, is actually upstairs moving the recliner into our bedroom for me to sleep in haha.  I think he is also getting a little nervous/anxious/excited/scared about a baby in just a few weeks/days/hours.  I mean it could be go time anytime, crrrrrrrrrrrazy!!

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