Saturday, January 7, 2012

Let the games begin....

I have heard of the whole mom's group thing and since I knew so many preggo peeps I decided to start a new one, it has been great.  I reached out to a few people, they reached out to their friends, so on and so on and then we had this great group of girls that have all gotten together at each other's houses for the past few months for ice cream socials, brunch, fondue, and mostly just gabbing it up for hours and hours about babies, what we were experiencing, etc etc!  It has been such a great support and information filled group!  Two of the girls are on their second children, as you can imagine the rest of us came loaded with questions each time.  Well it's January 2012 and 2 of the girls are due this month, Stephanie and Rachel, so today's brunch was probably the last one without babies!!!  It's soooo exciting, good luck to everyone in their deliveries, and I can't wait till we have all our babies and can get that picture I have been longing for of them all sitting on the couch haha :)


1 comment:

Lauren said...

What a great idea, you all look great!