Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Week 33 (December 21st - December 27th)

Size of Baby: Month 8 (in preggo calendar) and we are the size of a Honeydew!!  A very large Honeydew :)

Size of Mommy: 
Any Appointments this week: We have our 34 week appointment tomorrow!

Ohhhhh thats New: Holy Puffiness!!  I hadn't swelled at all until we went to NYC where my ankles blew up, but now my fingers are swollen too!!  That's right, wedding ring has been retired for the remainder of pregnancy, while I can still get it on and off after some work, it makes me extremely claustrophobic when it takes more than like 6.5 seconds.  I also think my face is puffing up, of course Eric assures me that is not the case, I don't believe him.  Except for work and Julie's shower I plan to hibernate for the month of January, I don't like being puffy :(

Also, I felt something weird last night, not sure if it was a contraction or what, but I have never felt that before, my stomach was so tight, it woke me up...hummmmm

Excited About: Ummmm everything!!  Christmas was just the icing on the cake!!  Ryan got sooooo many presents from grandparents and aunts and uncles this Christmas and he isn't even here yet...soooo cute and soooo exciting!!!  After this week it is baby baby baby all the way!!  We are also starting to get our stuff together, like our list of calls, what to pack, what to take, what Chris needs to do while he is house watching when we are at the hospital, etc etc!!!

I am sooooo excited to meet the little guy!!

Healthy Living: yeah not so much at all.  I have demonstrated ummm zero will power when it comes to cookies, brownies, popcorn, cake, sugar sugar sugar...not good!

Preggo- Ness: I am getting huuuuuuuge.  He is supposed to be gaining 1 lb a week at this point, but I am not supposed to be gaining 5 for everyone 1 he does, not good!  Part of me is like ehhh oh well and part of me is like I'm really gonna regret this when I have to get it off soon.  Things are getting very uncomfortable, like to get off the couch takes a lot of effort, to flip over when I'm sleeping and change all my pillows around is an exercise in itself, ohhhh and my little thing from says he can double from where he is now to where he is at delievery, good god help me!!!

How's Dad: He is doing great, so excited!!  Put the mobile together last night, ready for his last shabang in NOLA!!  He is also doing great with dealing with the Brookeacoaster which is in full effect...

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