Thursday, November 17, 2011

Top 10 Thursday...10 Things I can't live without during Pregnancy

#10 - Ice Cream- Not that Ice Cream is really last on the list but I think it's kinda cliche...and it's not that I crave it, more that I am not counting calories and punishing myself like I usually do non-preggo, sooooo at the end of the day I never turn down a good bowl of cookies 'n creme!!!! 

#9 - Gap Maternity- While I found some super cute shirts and dress things from Motherhood Maternity over the summer, you can't compare to Gap Maternity.  We all know a good pair of jeans just make an outfit and make you feel better and confident about the way you look, well Gap has stylish jeans that come in your size so they don't have a ton of extra material behind the butt making you feel sloppy, amen to gap!!

#8 - Palmers Cocoa Butter- So far so good and working like a charm, of course I think I will be growing at a rapid rate going forward and no amount of anything is going to stop the stretch marks, we shall see!! 
 #7 - Seat Warmers- As I have gotten into my 3rd trimester my back pretty much has a constant ache, and if you know me you don't have I don't like taking medicine, preggo or not, just one of my stubborn things.  So I have become very reliant on the seat warmer in my car to loose me up on the way to work!!!

#6 - Pillows- lots and lots of PILLOWS!!!  I sleep with so many pillows trying to get comfortable.  I have 2 king size body pillows, two regular pillows, and my boppy pillow (well until I caught it on fire with the heating pad), try to find just the right position for me to fit in between them multiple times a night.  Flipping from one side to another with 6 pillows is quite the interesting task!
 #5 - Club Soda- I don't know what it is about club soda, I just started drinking voda and club soda's before I became preggo, but during my pregnancy I have just been obsessed with club soda.  The bubbles calm my stomach and just make me feel great!!  Club soda also saved the day when we weren't telling people, club soda lemon and lime and no one could tell the difference, magical!!

#4 Sonoline B- Sooooo glad I saw this on a friends Blog!!  Not only is it fun to listen to the heartbeat whenever we wanted, it was just great reassurance especially in the beginning, only going to the docs every 4 weeks just wasn't cutting it for my impatient and curious self!! 
#3 - Friends and Family- OMG, friends and Family have saved the day.  We all know I am not a reader, so the pile of books about pregnancy and parenting next to my bed have barely been touched except for the weekly update in what to expect when you're expecting and something 411 about what to do with the baby once you bring it home.  With Gchat, our mom's group, email, blogs of friends experiences, and neighbors etc, the support system has been amazing, everyone has their stories and someone out there has experienced whatever it is you are feeling, just awesome!!!  Gotta give a special shout out to Kelly who has all of the info and answers anyone could ever need and Debs of course for just being there for everything, painting the nursery, and being sooooo excited with us for the whole experience!

#2 - that's right, I don't know how on earth people did this before the internet.  I am on there at least once a day looking at seeing what's on our checklist, what's coming next, what others are going through, etc etc...I also frequent the everytime I feel anything to find out what it is and if it's normal.  It's just so easy and has all of the answers you need a literally right there!!! 

#1- This guy!!  He is amazing, has taken care of me the entire time, waiting on me hand and foot, has not missed an appointment, goes for walks with me daily,  and has learned to agree with every crazy hormonal thing that comes out of my mouth just to avoid controversy!  He is the greatest husband and I can't wait to see him be a daddy!!!

1 comment:

Kere said...

HA! all very true. The sonoreader thingy... how AWESOME! they did not have those for either of my pregnancy's and thank god because i would have been a NUT. and try target maternity. awesome stuff. or just buy things in large or xlarge. wear with a cute belt. motherhood and gap are super expensive.