Wednesday, November 23, 2011

9 month countdown....Week 28

Week 28 (November 16th - November 22nd)

Size of Baby:Eggplant

Size of Mommy:
 Any Appointments this week: just at the vet with the doggies!!  Both are doing great!!

Ohhhhh thats New:  Apparently I'm "slightly" anemic, so I started these iron pills - now I'm tired all the time and out of energy???  confusing!  Can't remember a day I have been low energy in my life haha :)

Lots of movement, it's so cool, Eric can feel it too.  I still don't get like a really bad a$$ kick, prob cuz the placenta is in the front, but lil man is getting stronger and stronger so I expect it soon!!!
Excited About:  Furniture and getting the nursery done!!!  He's gonna be here SOON!!!!

Healthy Living: exercise - yes...thinking twice about what I eat - no, while I don't want to gain too much weight I also have just over two months of having an excuse to eat all the ice cream I want..hummmm :)

Preggo- Ness: Ummmm done with week 28 WHAT?!?!?!  2nd trimester absolutely flew by, I am on to my doc appts being every 2 weeks, I remember when they told me that was the way it was going to go 20 weeks ago...a part of me feels like I have been preggo forever and I am definitely getting antsy to meet this little guy, to move onto the whole parenting thing, and to have a glass of wine haha.  And then there's the other hand where HOLY COW in like "11 weeks" we are going to be parents, our lives are going to change forever and I am scared shitless, excited and can't wait, but whoaaa!!!

How's Dad: cool.calm.collected. and very happy- per usual :)

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