Thursday, October 13, 2011

Thursday's top 10...Missing the MOST during pregnancy

When you find out you are preggo of course the first place you go before putting anything in your mouth is the internet.  I guess it's natural to want to take care of the baby from the very first second you learn of them, why risk something that has been shown to cause issues, I can do without anything for 9 months, right??  I knew about some of the biggies way before I even started thinking about having a baby, and while alcohol of course made the top 10, there are some that might just surprise you!!

#10  Hot Tubbin!!!- Thats right, no hot tub when preggo...although maybe I won't miss it as much this year since I won't be skiing for an entire day either haha :) 

#9 Advil!!!  Yes thats right, my miracle drug is a no can do during pregnancy... tylenol is acceptance but for me it's just not the same...sooo needless to say I haven't really taken anything...

#8 Cake Batter- OMG!!!!  The thought of cake batter never even crossed my mind until I was making cupcakes for my co-worker.  This was terrible, every drip on my fingers, omggggg I realllllly wanted cake batter....
# 7   Boogie Boarding- This year at the beach my water experience wasn't quite what it usually is. I am a little kid at heart and like the whole riding a wave in then running back out and diving through the next one surfer style! This year it was a quick dip then back to the chair. Back on the board next year.

#6  The Farm :(  I really really really missed the farm this year, even thought it was completely my choice not to go!  How fun can sleeping outside in a tent be in the scorching hot sober and without bug spray.  I also wanted to avoid boats, not sure why but Eric and I had that stuck in our heads, tried not to take too many chances.  PLUS for my 30th I was going to have a big farm weekend/crab feast, but I guess there is alway the big 31 for next year haha!!

#5  Comfortable Sleep- While the first few months allowed for some of the best sleep I have ever had, the last few not so much. I toss, I turn, I get woken up by Mrs Bladder 700 times a night, I am not a side sleeper- not at all, I'm hot, I'm cold...I can't wait to just go back to sleeping on my stomach per the usual!! Oh and not having to get up 75 times a night to tinkle!!!

# 4   Energy- I guess having a baby develop inside you REALLY does take a lot of work.  My energy levels have severely decreased, which might not be the worst thing considering they started out through the roof, BUT I miss having a ton of energy and being super productive all the time.  My first trimester was the worst, I was drained and needed to lay down after walking up two flights of stairs when I got home from work.  The heat didn't help.  I have spent so many hours on the couch, doing nothing, ahhhh!  The 2nd trimester has been okay so far, I definitely have more energy, but still feel myself getting worn out wayyyy before normal!!  

# 3   Bath Time
- I am a bath freak, before Preggo I would take one just about every night.  Put my bubbles in there and just sit and relax before getting ready for bed.  It was great, I would empty some water once it got cooler and add some more scorching hot water, ahhhhh so nice.  When preggo you are definitely allowed to take baths but you aren't supposed to make them hottttt, well where's the fun in that???

# 2  Alcohol- For me it wasn't just the love for wine or a nice cold draft beer.  But when you are sober and everyone else is drinking alllllll of the time (welcome to being preggo in the summer time) you kinda feel left out.  I never realized how much our lives circle around alcohol until this experience.  We don't do anything sober haha, but neither do the people in our lives, so I guess it works.  The summer has definitely been super hard, but now that we are almost through that I think it should be smooth sailing, oh but then again there's football season....And it's not even wine I have really wanted, during the summer it was a beer- a really cold one in a mug mmmm and then it was a glass of scotch hahaa...I wil say I thought this would be a lot harder than it has been, so far at least!!  While I do miss my drinks I definitely do not miss hangovers!!

#1  Sports/Exercise-  I didn't even think I liked running that much until I couldn't do it anymore.  I wasn't a huge runner pre-preggo so I have always heard being pregnant isn't the time to start the habit, I decided to air on the side of caution and just give it up all together.  TENNIS :(  My team was doing sooooo awesome, first place headed into playoffs, I was undefeated and I couldn't play for half the season and most importantly play offs.  I had to tell everyone I had a fracture in my foot haha.  Then the basketball season was half way through, welp the doctor said a contact sport prob wasn't a good idea.I also really miss riding my bike.  Eric got a new bike last year and we would go for bike rides basically every weekend.  We had so much fun together going for bike rides, can't wait till the 3 of us can go next year!!  There's my tennis team in the play offs without me, of course the doc told me I could play tennis as long as I wasn't playing competitively, right!

Of course while I miss all of these things, I will be able to do them all again very soon.  Giving up each and every single one of them will be well worth the joy of being a mommy in a few short months!!!

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