Wednesday, October 12, 2011

9 month Countdown...Week 22

Week 22 (October 6th-October 12th)
Size of Baby: a Papaya

Size of Mommy:
Any Appointments: We did have an appt this morning, 23 weeks whooo hooo- headed into the 6th month, craaaazy!!!  Feels like time is flying, but then looking back I feel like I have been pregnant forever.  Appt was great, heard the blood going into the Placenta, heartbeat which was fast and steady, gained 7lbs bringing me to 9 overall- doc said that was great, had my flu shot, and got all of the yummy ingredients for my glucose test at my next appt, gross!!

Ohhh that's NEW: nothing!!!  I don't really feel him consistently or too often, doc said it was totally fine and I would in the next few weeks, so I guess nothing to worry about!

Excited About: The Nursery!!!  We ordered our furniture on Sunday, will be here in 6-8 weeks...Grandma Debs ordered the bedding set and it is in, get to see that today!!  Can't wait to get painting!!  Also, very excited for Pilates, starts tonight!!

Missing: RUNNING!!!  I feel like I have sooooo much energy, walking just doesn't cut it for me.  It was soooo nice out this weekend and all these people were out running right past me :(  I can't wait to RUN!!!

Healthy Living: Been really good this week!!  Have walked every single day except Saturday but I worked a wedding and that was 10 hours on my feet all over the place so that counts too!  Been trying to eat healthy also, lots of fruits and veggies!!

Preggo-Ness: Honestly it's been great, no complaints here!

How's Dad:  He is doing great, so so excited!!  He loves the tummy, he giggles every time he sees me haha...not to mention he is LOVING having a DD...

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