Wednesday, October 19, 2011

9 month Countdown...Week 23

Week 23 (October 12th-18th)

Size of Baby: still a Papaya- either there is something wrong with, they have run out of fruit, orrrrr there are a ton of sizes of Papayas

Size of Mommy:

Any Appointments: Nope not this week!

Ohhhh thats NEW:  I am feeling him a lot more this week, still not kicks, more like a bunch of summer salts haha:)

Excited About: Having our baby!!  Yes that I right I am starting to get antsy!!  Brett and Laura had their baby beautiful boy on Sunday and it just moves us closer up the delivery list!!

Missing: Running, Tennis, Just doing stuff on the whole, getting a little bored!

Healthy Living: Doing well!  Went for a hike and have been walking a lot.  Also, Julie and I started our pre-natal pilates, that was fun and something different!!
Preggo-Ness: Not that I wishing the holiday season fly by or anything, because I am already super stoked for Christmas, but man I can't wait till February!!!

How's Dad:  He is doing just dandy!!!

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