Wednesday, October 5, 2011

9 month countdown....Week 21

Week 21 (September 28th-October 5th)

Size of baby: A Banana, yeah we don't get it either??  From a Cantaloupe to a banana??

And the size of Mommy:

Still trying to figure out the whole picture thing, maybe I need to clean the mirror.
Any Appointments: Not at the Doctor's office but we did go to a daycare that a lot of our neighbors go to!!  We wanted to at least go check it out so we were good parents and compared something before just making a rash decision.  But we are so excited that the baby will be staying at casa de Wahlquist with Miss Shanna!!!  We were sold when we heard naps would be in the Hokie room, haha jk!!!

Ohhh that's NEW:

1. First Sober trip to Blacksburg- more on that below

2. Still feeling the flutters from time to time, not sure why he isn't kicking me????

3. ROCCO- OMG I think he knows!!!  He is soooo protective of me, it's the craziest thing...he waits for me for everything, he walks in front of me on our walks, he sits next to me on the floor by the bed, he always stays upstairs and hangs out with me even when Eric is dogs really sense these things???  I think Callie is still in the clueless category but as soon as she figures it out...uh oh!!!

4. Things are really setting in...had a crazy moment...Some people we know went into labor and had their baby, I was obsessed, I was checking facebook every 5 seconds to see how long labor lasted, make sure everything is okay etc...then I had a freak out moment because I got an article from one of the 50 million sites that sends me things talking about how difficult breast feeding was....Well all of the sudden, I was worried after baby comes there is going to be all these things going on, the docs are going to try and have me breast feed and if it doesn't work the baby is just going to starve, I don't want my poor little baby going hungry :(  

Excited About: Well I said we were not ordering the furniture until the room was ready because when they come set it up I don't want to have to move it this weekend we are on clean the gonna be nursery room out completely.  Then Debs is gonna come steam clean, put up a chair rail, Mike's gonna build shelves, and then it's Painting it is very exciting that things are going to get moving!!  Granted it's been our goal to clean out that room that past few weekends, guess I am just more hopeful now that there are 3 days to get it accomplished.

Missing:  Laying flat on my back and getting a real good stretch in!!!

Healthy Living: Well the first part of the week including the weekend in the Burg was not so good, there were a lot of cookies!!  But since Monday we walked one night and got up early to walk this morning.  Julie and I are also starting a pre-natal pilates class on Wednesday's, starting next Wednesday.

Preggo-Ness:  This has been an interesting week...1 4 hour car ride with bathroom breaks (remember I NEVER stop on a road trip), tailgating in the freezing cold, staying up from 5:30am until midnight...

How's Dad: He's doing just dandy, he is working really hard to get in shape so when baby comes he is set to go...he is also working on getting used to waking up early, the dogs are benefiting from this immensely as they get walked every morning now!

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