Wednesday, September 28, 2011

9 month countdown....Week 20

Week 20 (September 21st- 27th)

Size of Baby: A Cantaloupe, can you believe it??  That seems so BIG!

and a new addition...size of Mommy haha:

Any Appts: Nope not this week, thank goodness for Sonoline B so I can hear HIM from time to time, I love listening to his fast little heart :)

Ooooh that's new:  Nothing really, still waiting for the kicks.  I get little flutters from time to time but no serious I'm gonna be a soccer player kicks from little man yet :(

Excited about:  The Nursery!!  Eric and I went to Baby2Teen this past weekend and had the best experience.  Everyone was so nice, it was just us and another couple in there and so we got so much attention, we had a great time.  We found our furniture...

We think this furniture will go great with the bedding we have picked out!!!  Sports- go figure!!!
Now we just need to move all the crap out of the room, get it cleaned up and then order the furniture!!  I don't want it to arrive before we have a clean room for it, typically takes 6-8 weeks!

And we found a fabulous chair!!  I was always set on the glider with an ottoman until the lady at Baby2Teen had me sit in this chair.  It comes in at least 5 million different color/fabric options and is just the most comfortable chair ever!!
Missing: Turkey Sub from Subway!!!!

Healthy Living: Ehhh not so good.  I did go to the gym one night because my legs had so much energy, but this has been a super busy week with basically something every night, sooooo meals have been rushed and not the healthiest and the gym hasn't been at the top of the priority list...oh well!

Preggo-Ness: Being Pregnant has really hit home this week.  Mainly at the ALS event we attended on Monday, everyone was sooooo excited and touching the belly which is so weird but whatevs, I enjoyed it!!!  So fun!!!   

How's Dad???:
He's great!  Learning a lot, he has been reading a book called "My boys can Swim" which has him LOL-ing from time to time.  We watched the Tech game at the Wahlquists on Saturday where there were a few infants and a few toddlers, that was a learning experience!

1 comment:

Laura said...

LOVE it!! Nursery is going to be adorable!