Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Wedding Wednesday....Week 12

1. how it all began: how you met, first date, first kiss, how long did you date? first picture together.....etc.
2. when you knew he was the one: self explanatory.. but how and when did you know?
3. proposal: how it happened, how long were you engaged for? was it a total surprise? pictures of that... etc.
4. the ring: tell us about it! did you pick it out? did he? pictures! tell us about his ring too!
5. engagement/bridal pictures: let's see em!
6. the colors: show some of the flower and colors you used
7. the dress: was it what you always imagined? did you have it made for you? white or ivory?
8. the little accessories: you know, veil? shoes? jewelry? what did your bridesmaids wear?
9. the reception: where was it at? show us some pictures! what day did you get married?
10. the cake/food: i love food. so tell me about what you had at your wedding!
11. favorite part of the day and least favorite part of the day: can be anything.
12. honeymoon: where did you go? was it good? ;) haha...jk.
13. thoughts on marriage: what is the easiest/hardest part? if you could change anything, what would it be?
14. first place that you lived together: pics if you have them!
15. kids: do you have any yet? if not, when do you plan on it? how many do you want? any tips on good/bad birth control?
16. most recent picture of you and your significant other and what you love most about them :) and any other thoughts.

Our honeymoon was awesome, we had such a BLAST!!!  We met some amazing people, some we still keep in touch with and had a great time celebrating us and our marriage whooo hooo!!  We stayed at an Excellence Resort in Playa Mujeres Mexico.  The resort was stunning.  Absolutely gorgeous views, awesome food, and fantastic service and amentities.  

Here is us when we arrived at our Honeymoon suite.  These rooms were soooo romantic, from the decorations, to the special hideaway cabinent that connected from the outside and inside the room so technically you could stay in you room the entire time and never see another face.
We spent a lot of time just relaxing on the beach or in the pool.  After a big wedding this was exactly what we needed.  I don't think we made up on the other side of 9:30 the first couple nights.

After a few days of quality rest and relaxation we decided to do an excursion.  Neither of us had been zip lining and both really wanted to give it a ride.  We went to this place called Seltevetica where we did the whole zip lining thing.  What an experience that was, sooo cool!!!  Of course I didn't have my camera with me zipping from tree house to tree house.  After landing safely on the ground we rented these things which we got to ride to our very own water thing, there is definitely a name of this but I can't think of it now.
This was so much fun, we got to fly off the "cliff" hanging on to this bar for dear life and then let go in the middle of the water, so much fun!!
With our honeymoon package came breakfast in bed, we moved that to our little porch, it's so nice to be catered to haha!!
And one of my most favorite parts was the romantic dinner on the beach, also part of the package.  This was amazing, so peaceful, right on the ocean, waves pounding on the shore, and a sax player serenading us.
As I mentioned we met some great couples, all sharing the same wedding day.  It was so fun to celebrate with them as well and hear all about their weddings.  Everyone is from across the US so it was just really neat.  We spent a lot of days together in the pool, most weren't quite this rowdy....
And we even made it out past 11pm and hit the club one night, here are all the WIFEY'S!!!
We could not have asked for more on our honeymoon, we had an amazing week and hope to return to this resort one day and experience the Excellence Resorts in other locations!

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