Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Wedding Wednesday...Week 3

1. how it all began: how you met, first date, first kiss, how long did you date? first picture together.....etc.
2. when you knew he was the one: self explanatory.. but how and when did you know?
3. proposal: how it happened, how long were you engaged for? was it a total surprise? pictures of that... etc.
4. the ring: tell us about it! did you pick it out? did he? pictures! tell us about his ring too!
5. engagement/bridal pictures: let's see em!
6. the colors: show some of the flower and colors you used
7. the dress: was it what you always imagined? did you have it made for you? white or ivory?
8. the little accessories: you know, veil? shoes? jewelry? what did your bridesmaids wear?
9. the reception: where was it at? show us some pictures! what day did you get married?
10. the cake/food: i love food. so tell me about what you had at your wedding!
11. favorite part of the day and least favorite part of the day: can be anything.
12. honeymoon: where did you go? was it good? ;) haha...jk.
13. thoughts on marriage: what is the easiest/hardest part? if you could change anything, what would it be?
14. first place that you lived together: pics if you have them!
15. kids: do you have any yet? if not, when do you plan on it? how many do you want? any tips on good/bad birth control?
16. most recent picture of you and your significant other and what you love most about them :) and any other thoughts.

Our proposal was amazing.  It was Valentines day, which Eric had enlightened me many times prior to this that Valentines Day was such a cheesy day to propose.  So was I expecting it today, not so much.  Anywho, Eric had reached out to Laura (the event planner at Potomac Point Winery- which will end up being our wedding venue) about coming in on Valentines Day and proposing.  We get there, Laura pretends to have no idea who we are, she got us each a glass of wine, and took us on a tour of the winery!
On our tour of the winery: Barrell Room
We then made way to the upstairs portion of the winery, the ballroom, the bathrooms, the sitting/hanging out area, and then there were these stairs, leading to what I found out later..."proposal tower."  Apparently we aren't the only people who used this tower, and actually about a month later we ran into the couple that was in there before us, thanks guys for leaving the candles lit!  So we go up these winding stairs to this little area that is all lit up with candles and over-looking the entire vineyard.  I was looking out the window, I turn around, and there he is down on one knee...

I said YES and we were both bright red!!!  Yayyyy we're engaged, this was such a surreal moment!!!

WOW that was just awesome, I could not have thought of a better proposal myself, and as I mentioned Potomac Point is where we ended up also having our wedding.

We aren't done yet though.  So we walk around the vineyard and call all our families and of course everyone is shocked (at least I thought they were), but really they were ALL together at Patty's house.  As we pull out of the vineyard and make our way to 95 Eric says we have some time before dinner let's go by Patty's on the way and give her the news and show her the ring!!!  This wasn't a surprise to me, as we always go by Patty's to visit whenever we can, and she is kinda responsible for this whole Eric and Me thing.

I walk into Patty's house and what do you know...ALL of our family is standing there yelling surprise!!!  What a feeling that was to be able to share such an amazing event with everyone we love so much!!!!

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