Saturday, May 7, 2011

the haps

First off when did it become May???  And more importantly where did April go??  Time is flying, slooowwwww down world!!!

As for me, I have been living out of my suit case for pretty much the entire last month, with 2 trips which is 2 more trips than I ever wanted to take to lovely Millington, Tenneessee.  Let's just say this is not the coolest place on earth, I suffer from severe home-sickness when I am there, tear :(

Last weekend was jam packed of super fun events.  Started with Marcy's baby shower, she got so much cute stuff, due June 11th with her first little girl.  While Eric was out to lunch I took a trip to Cox Farms, loaded up on some pretty little flowers, called my mom and begged her to come over because yes I had the flowers but had no idea what to do with them.  She said she was too tired or it didn't work out or something.  So I got home and hummm looked at the flowers, still no idea what to do....ring ring mommmmmm, "okay fine we'll be over in 30 minutes," PERFECTO!!!!  
Thank god for DEBS!!!
Whoo Hoo I planted this all by myself!!!
Along with Deb's came Mike, man he is handy!!  He got right to work!!  These two are welcome anytime!!!
little Connor's Baptism!!!  Sooo cute, such a good baby!!!

In some disturbing news, what the heck happened to all the American Idol voters???  Lauren in the bottom 2 really???  That is not okay, get to voting people!!!!

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