Thursday, April 28, 2011

We're not in Kansas Anymore

So last night I got no sleep, zero, zilch.  Our house was shaking all night (no, not what you are thinking)...STORMS...every rumble of thunder had my heart in my throat to be followed up by a big bolt of I was terrified.  I usually love thunderstorms but when the entire area is under Tornado watches and warnings all night long and even into today, sleeping easy was not an option for this girl.

I mean Really???
Not all of these bad boys whip you up, spin you around, and land you on a witch at the end of the yellow brick road.

That does not look like something I would like to be stuck in, nor my hubs, nor my dogs, nor all of my stuff.  Yes the thoughts going through my head while laying in bed listening to this craziness....we need to go to the basement, do I wake Eric up, am I just panicing for no reason, what do I need to save when our roof blows off, how am I going to get Callie and Rocco downstairs since they are both scared of the rain, oh man the list goes on and on.

Anywho, we did survive, and are all in one piece this morning.  Glad I could live to write about it haha :)

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