Monday, March 28, 2011

What I've I approach 30

As I approach 30 (5 months and counting) very very very quickly, live in my big girl house, am married and in a big girl relationship, have been faced with a lot of big girl issues and challenges, I have done a lot of reflecting and analyzing....okay a lot more than normal.  I have learned a lot of things in my almost 30 years....

I have learned that there is nothing more important than the people closest to you, because just like that they can be gone.

I have learned just how lucky I am to have my family.  As a kid growing up in a "broken home" I had it awesome and that is due to my amazing parents who sucked it up for the good of their kids- not all divorcees are like that.

I have learned that playing sports is awesome.  Some of my greatest memories are from winning the big games, time with my teammates, and earning the recognition I did.  I truly do miss it.

I have learned that I have a lot fewer real friends then I thought, I still have a lot of good time friends.

I have learned that life isn't always easy.

I have learned that most people are just out there for themselves and are extremely selfish.  I have also learned that they will take take take take and have no problem never giving.

I have learned that the shit you spend all your time worrying about usually doesn't matter.

I have learned that being a kid is way cooler than I thought at the time.

I have learned that I should have listened to my parents when they told me school was awesome, not to smoke, not to drink, etc etc.

I have learned that working is a waste of time, but we have to do it.  What are we really accomplishing???

I've learned that things change, people change, relationships's not always a bad thing.

I've learned that you can gain 10 pounds in a day and it then takes 4 months to get it off.

I've learned that Summer is my favorite season, even as hard as I try to love spring and fall, something about the heat and sun shining makes me happiest.

I've learned that people are going to judge and have an opinion on absolutely everything, and it's just that- their opinion.

I have learned that I worry way too much about making other people happy and need to focus on myself more.

I've learned that bighting my nails is the hardest habit to break.

I've learned how to make guacamole and needless to say I am obsessed.

I've learned to say "No."  I actually said it once too. 

I've learned that ice cream, cookies and creme to be exact, will always put me in a good mood.

I have learned that I am the luckiest lady in the world, because Eric chose me and is my best friend every single day.  Yeah we fight and have our moments, but at the end of the day we always remember we are on the same team.

I have learned that life is a gift and every life is too short and everyday should be lived to the fullest!!!!!

So here's to 30 AND to my next 30 and the 30 after that.  I've lived a great life so far and I have learned so much, I can only imagine my next 30 years :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

love this! :)