Not only am I thankful I am totally obsessed. My work finally got with the times and we upgraded from the very old fashioned blackberry I have been carrying around for 5 years to the new I Phone 5 hallelujah!! Before the lovely blackberry my phone had an antenna and it flipped up haha! As soon as I got the phone I got all the apps I have heard so much about!!! Facebook, Linked In, Twitter, Words with Friends, Instagram (which I still can't figure out and it's frustrating me), Fantasy Football 12, pinterest, the NIKE running app, weight watchers, and the weather! Just one click of the button I can literally find out anything I want to know, welcome to the future Brooke!! And even better than allllll of these things, the camera is 8 mega pixels and there is a video camera so yes I have already taken a zillion pics and videos of you know who, RYAN!!! I can't believe I waited this long, but am soooooo glad to finally be in the cool crowd!!

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