Sunday, January 1, 2012


2012 is here, I can't believe it!!!  There are soooo many things I(we) are excited for in 2012 and other things we'd like to accomplish (not going to call them resolutions but you get the idea)!!

Of course top of our list is welcoming our son into the world, we are having a baby this year- CAN'T WAIT!!!  Everything is going to be so different, we are sooo excited!!!

Next is the birth of Ryan's 14 new friends (14 so far, new babies in 2012) there is DEF something in the water!!!  Such an exciting and fantastic year it will be!!  We are just so excited for everyone :)

Of course, we both want to get in shape.  My personal goal is to do 2 5k's and become one of those runner people haha :)  In all of my spare time of course!

We want to be awesome parents, continue our great friendships, keep up our amazing relationships with our families and actually we want to do more with the families which I think will come naturally once the baby is added, we want to continue to go on dates and be best friends, we want to be as successful as we can in our jobs (of course after my 3 month break- wooo hooo), and mostly we want happiness, health, and just a ton of fun for us and everyone we love so much!!!

Cheers to 2012, may it be the BEST ONE YET!!!!

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