Wednesday, December 14, 2011

9 month countdown....Week 31

Week 31 (December 7th - December 14th)

Size of Baby: and we're still a squash yipppeeee

Size of Mommy: 
Any Appointments this week: Regular every 2 week appt on Friday to ensure I am good to go for our NYC trip!!!

Ohhhhh thats New:  Oh there they are, those 3rd trimester hormones are sneaking in on me from time to time.  Work is crazy, obligations out of work are crazy, there are always chores to be done (although Eric does take care of a lot of it) etc etc and all I want to do is be Christmas-y and do Christmas things, and do baby things, and figure out where bottles are going to fit in the cabinets, and pack my bag for the hospital and then unpack and pack again, and shop shop shop - there are just not enough hours in the day for allllll of this!  Needless to say I am getting OH SO excited for maternity leave, ha!

Also, my pelvic bone feels like it's about to break in half at all times, it feels like it is severely bruised.   A girl in our mom's group had the same thing, then the baby moved aka moved his head from her crotch, and the pain let up a little.  I would like for him to remain head down so I am just gonna deal with the pain, I have even taken some tylenol- yes a first for me hah!!  This pelvic bone pain has also contributed to my new waddle hahaa, ohhhh a site to see!  Having had an amazing and basically dare I say easy pregnancy so far (hopefully I didn't just jinx the crap out of myself) if pelvic pain and a waddle is the worst of it, I'll take it!!!
Excited About: Playing with all of our awesome gifts we got from the shower, we are so spoiled!!!  I love sitting in the nursery, it makes me happy.  Eric and I just go in there and hang out from time to time, it's cute, and really the only room in the house where everything matches and is completely done (well will be soon).  The closet is packed, the drawers have stuff in them, the room is filling up- we need a new house, but it's all so cute and so fun!!!  I am also excited for our little guy to arrive, while I know I need to be patient and let him cook as long as possible, I am getting anxious and ready to meet him!!!  I am also so excited, if you are pregnant you should check out Ashley's blog, she is so creative and crafty and just has the best ideas, hence where I got this pregnancy diary idea that I do each week.  Well she had a beautiful baby boy a month ago and started this thing where she is going to write a letter to him every month, I had heard this idea before and wanted to do the same, she has inspired me...blogs can be published into books, check it out, it's awesome!!!  I am so glad I have kept a log of how things are each week and can't wait to do one when he is here each month so he can look back on his life month by month!!
Healthy Living: not at all, haven't done any exercise in over a week, which is not helping my hormone outbursts either, gonna aim to go to the gym next week since it's cold and dark all of the time these days.  It's amazing how much of a difference a 30 minute walk and some fresh air helps you feel relieved and refreshed!

Preggo- Ness: It's good, just getting old hahaha, I am ready to be a mommy!!!!  We have 56 days left till our due date, so while I say yes I am ready to have a baby, the other part of my says HOLY Smokes we are going to be parents in 56ish days and that is just crazy.  Really this week was great, had an awesome week just getting a bit antsy!

How's Dad: Poor guy, sorry about my temper tantrums haha :)  He's really gonna earn this Sugar Bowl trip haha!

1 comment:

Ashley said...

Aww, thanks for the shout out!