Wednesday, November 9, 2011

9 month Countdown....Week 26

Week 26 (November 2nd - November 8th)

Size of Baby:  An Eggplant

Size of Mommy:

Any Appointments this week:  Nada, but tomorrowwwwwwww we have one!!!  The exciting part is we are doing the 4D sonogram thing, not because we are in love with how weird the 4D pictures look but we get to see HIM!!!  And see him like up close so it was just something we couldn't pass up.  I am also doing my glucose test yippppeee and I get my Rogam shot, ooo how I do love shots....

Ohhhhh thats New: BACK ACHES!!!  Eric says it's because I keep saying things are great when people ask me how pregnancy is going, because that was the truth, no real complaints until 4 nights ago when I couldn't sleep.  With this new basketball on the front of me, I am left with no choice but to sleep on my side, if I try to creep back to my angled on the stomach position I get terrified I am squishing him, and if I get too close to my back I get terrified I am doing something wrong there with the veins or on the side it is and it does not work :(  I toss and turn all night, sooooo uncomfortable...

Excited Aboutthe CHAIR!!!  The chair is in at Baby2Teen but they are waiting to ship it until the rest of our furniture is in, however if these back aches and sleeping issues continue to happen I might just drive over there and pick it up myself and plant it in the middle of our bedroom and call that my bed from here on out!!  Also, we have our labor/delievery, breast feeding, baby care crash course class this weekend, I am excited to get some info...not that I want a lot of info but I feel like I should have questions to ask my doctor but then I don't even know what I am wondering, hopefully after this one day class we will know everything we need to know!

3rd Trimester- bring it on!!!!!

Healthy Living: I have been pretty healthy this week actually, between the comments from people and the upcoming glucose test, healthy-ness has been on my mind!!  Walking a lot, even made 3 miles on Saturday!

Preggo- Ness:  Well this week has just been ackward.  While I thought I had "popped" weeks ago, now I look like a full blow preggo person haha.  I have gotten comments this week such as "When are you due?  You will never make it till then."  Just what a preggo girl who is already self conscious about the weight gain wants to hear, we'll see what the doc says tomorrow.

How's Dad:  He's been great, doing the majority of the "chores" around the house and being so supportive!!

1 comment:

Jenn said...

You look SO DARN cute!!!!!