Saturday, August 20, 2011

A Perfect start to the 30's!!!

We spent the week leading up to 30 at Dewey Beach for our annual Parker beach vacation, more on that later, but we left bright and early this morning (my birthday) and headed home, tear :(  We got home, unloaded the car not to be confused with unpacked, took and nap and then Debs showed up with the dogs who we hadn't seen in a week and a half, so exciting!!  Soon arrive Courtney and Whit and we headed out for a girls spa day, it was absolutely what the doctor ordered, the perfect way to top off a fabulous week at the beach, and a great way to continue my 30th birthday celebration.  Courtney had made reservations at La Vida salon for massages and then the nail salon next door for pedicure, soooo relaxing!!!

And then to finish off a perfect and totally relaxing day, we went to Benihana's for dinner.  It was delicious and so much fun!!  Thank you everyone who made it out!!
Really was the perfect birthday, I am so lucky!!!

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