Saturday, November 27, 2010

Our Thanksgiving!!!

Our Thanksgiving was a great day!!  For the first time ever, Eric and I stayed at home (yes we hosted, party of 12), ate just ONE time, didn't see route 95 at all, and watched football games on our couch (Eric has named this his favorite holiday of all time)...a wonderful Thanksgiving!!!

The day started early...6:00am alarm, 7:00am meet up at Julie's, 8:00am start time, 8:30 and we are finished with our very first 5k....felt awful!!!  But soon as the "omg I'm gonna puke " feeling went away we all felt great.  What a fabulous way to start the Thanksgiving Day!!  and I believe we have a new tradition now, next 5k already on the calendar for December.  Way to go Gals!!

Eric then went to play in the annual turkey bowl with some of our friends while I finished some last minute cleaning (always easier to do when he is out of the house), preparations, and watched the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade kicking off the Christmas season!!  Not gonna lie I totally got really super duper excited for the holiday, yes I am turning into my mother right before our very own's what we came up with for the dining room... cute, right?!?!?

Of course I had cup cakes on the menu, pumpkin cake with a cream cheese and walnut topping, thanks Julie for the recipe!!

Some snaps from the day...

Food comas apply to everyone except my super energetic Grandmother so I conveniently had all of our Christmas decorations ready to roll....and wa la!!!!  Tis the Season!!! 

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