Thursday, October 28, 2010


My friends and I used to fill out these surveys, mostly from myspace, and send them around in emails to pass the time...enjoy if you'd like!!! And repost your answers if you as well are super bored on this lovely Thursday :) At least it's almost lunch time!!!! My answers are of course in purple duh!!

Hola como estas?
Muy bien gracias, y tu? Would be nice if my keyboard had those little accent things!!

What are you obsessed with?
my hubs, Callie...okay and Rocco, nice weather, being outside, never wasting like even a minute sitting down and relaxing- really need to work on that, lately cleaning- not sure where that came from, The Holidays, my family, my friends, the hokies, lately- my diet and exercise, making sure everyone is happy and always having a great time :)

What do you dip your chicken nuggets in?
bbq sauce- the Spicy kind!!

What was the last road trip you went on?
Blacksburg for the Tech/Wake Forest game

When's the last time you dance with someone?
Eric and I broke it down at Erin and Colin's wedding

What's your favorite show?
Cougar Town, Modern Family, The Event, anything reality, Castle, Better with you

If you could visit anywhere, where would you visit?

What's your ringtone?
just the regs

What's the wallpaper on your cell phone?
sunset from OBX this summer- just gooooorgeous

Who is the 6th text message in your inbox from?
CYA- I get about 289570920752 a day about this bball team ah!!

Go to your pictures...what is the 33rd pic of?
I have my pics in many locations, not counting

Whose your 78th contact in your phone?
I have no where near 78 contacts

Whose your favorite character from The Office?
Dwight I think

Have you seen every episode starting from Season 1?
Friends!! god I miss that show :(

What color is your hair?
brown with highlights

Favorite quote?
I love quotes but currently: "Happiness keeps You Sweet, Trials keep You Strong, Sorrows keep you Human, Failures keep you Humble, Success keeps you Glowing, But Only You Keep you going!"

What kind of car do you have?
an about to fall apart 2004 Nissan Pathfinder

What makes you laugh?
Eric....every day...all the time...he is a funny one :)

Whats the last movie you saw in theatres?
we saw The Blind Side and I think we have been since then but since I can't remember guess I wasn't that impressed

Whats your favorite article of clothing?
Sweats and flippie floppies

What were you doing on New Years?
Watching Tech beat Tennessee at Courts Lake house and playing a lot, and I mean A LOT of card games :)

my white board with open positions on it, which is kinda empty, hence my boreeeeeeeeeedom

What are you looking forward too?
ooo lots of things!! Our 1st anniversary next weekend, seeing Jackie again Sat, upcoming weddings...the last 2 of 2010 :(, visiting the Arnolds and having some fun and relaxation in sunny Florida, the HOLIDAYS!!!

Are you the life of the party?
usually the planner of the party

Finish this sentence...You are______

If you could meet Barack Obama, what would you ask him?
ha, you don't wanna know

Pop Tarts or Toaster Struddles?
cinnamon pop tarts

Dark Chocolate or Milk Chocolate?
milk chocolate!

Truth or Dare?
either or

Do you kiss your mom with that mouth?
not so much

Your getting chased by the Easter Bunny! What do you do?!
stop running from the Easter bunny?!?! really...any easter bunny can't be harmful!!

Whats in your junk drawer?
The one in the kitchen has our checks, business cards, batteries, pens, wine stoppers, random parts and pieces to things, extra hardwood, etc etc

Whats something about you that no one knows?
I don't have many secrets

What kinda phone do you have?
a verrrrrrrry old piece of crap that shuts off all the time and randomly calls people blackberry

Whats the wallpaper on your computer?
just the standard blue screen...I think

Do you dance when nobody's watching?
I sing

What's your race?

Whose your loudest friend?
prob my husband, unless it's me but I can't be friends with myself!!

When your having a party, who definitely has to be there?
Eric and my best friends, typically why I try to plan around their schedules

Whats the best food combo?
Steak, Baked Potato, Salad with Good Seasons dressing, and a glass of red wine....pasta and garlic bread is a close 2nd!

When you need someone to talk to, who do you go to?
Depends what I need to talk to them about?? Eric on most occassions with an occasional Mom or Julie!

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